The tab "4. Preview and Distribute" shows a summary of the release information that has been created adding the cover art, audio files, and metadata by getting through the previous 3 tabs (1. Release info, 2. Licenses, and 3. Tracks).
Besides the preview of the release, the button “Distribute this release” can be found here as soon as the page is loaded.
Previously, the button took some seconds to load but after some improvements, this has been solved. But still, if the release has a great number of tracks this tab can take a little more than usual to load. Please take this into account before contacting the Sepulchral Silence's team.
When the “Distribute this release” button is clicked validations are run, and a spinner appears indicating that an operation is taking place.
When validations are completed, two different modal windows can appear:
- Validation errors and channel warnings: the window shows the user which are the edits needed prior to proceeding with the distribution.
- Ready for distribution: the window shows that the release is ready for distribution and channels can be selected.