Once the release is ready, it can be delivered by clicking on the "Distribute this release" button.
If you encounter any issue when trying to distribute that is impeding the End Users from sending their release to delivery, please check these common concerns before contacting the Support Team.
Validation Errors
When clicking on "Distribute this disc", the following message appears: "Validation errors. Please correct the following in order to distribute".
This indicates that there is essential information missing or mismatched in the release. Under the statement, the platform indicates the errors that need to be fixed before the delivery.
Warning: Those releases are already being processed for the following channels
The client has clicked on "Distribute this release", but the following pop-up shows up?
This indicates that the delivery order has already been requested. Under the notice can be found the channels that have been previously selected.
It can be related to two different situations:
1)The order has been request but not finished, and it is still pending in the cart
It can be checked by fulfilling these requirements:
- The release has no exports in "History"
- The QC status is blank
To solve this, the End User has to go to "Distribution / Current order".
2)The order has been finished and the release is pending in the QC queue
It can be checked by fulfilling these requirements:
- The release displays the channels selected in "History"
- The QC status shows the message: "Pending". This status means that the content is pending QC approval and it is under review.
This indicates that the release has been successfully delivered and is pending to be approved by the Quality Control Team. You can find more information about the publication timings here.