In this article, you will find information about artist roles and conditions in the channels.
Available artist roles
The roles that Sepulchral Silence currently supports are:
- Primary Artist
- Featured Artist
- Composer
- Lyricist
- Accordion
- Actor
- Adapter
- Arranger
- Assistant Engineer
- Background Vocals
- Banjo
- Bass Guitar
- Bassoon
- Bells
- Cello
- Choir
- Clarinet
- Co-Producer
- Conductor
- Drums
- Ensemble
- Fiddle
- Flute
- Graphic Design
- Guitar
- Harmonica
- Harp
- Horn
- Keyboards
- Lute
- Mastering Engineer
- Metallophone
- Mixing Engineer
- Oboe
- Orchestra
- Organ
- Other Performer
- Percussion
- Piano
- Producer
- Programming
- Publisher
- Rap
- Recorder
- Recording Engineer
- Remixer
- Saxophone
- Synthesizer
- Tambourine
- Trombone
- Trumpet
- Viola
- Viola de Gamba
- Violin
- Vocals
- Whistle
- with
- Xylophone
Considerations for Artist Roles
Incompatible Artist Roles
Channels are well-aware of the interdisciplinary nature of artists, this is why most roles can be shared among the same artist. This means the composer can be at the same time the primary artist and the lyricist, for example.
However, there are some artist roles that can not be used for the same artist name, as they clash according to the perspective of the channels:
The roles "featuring", "performer" and "primary artist" are not compatible. If one artist is featured with one of these roles, they can not be featured as another one of them.
To avoid any difficulties the channels may face when ingesting the content if this information is mismatched, the platform does not allow assigning the same artist name to two of these roles. If the End User tried to introduce them, they would be unable to save the data.
Considerations for Various Artists
When a release includes more than three Primary Artists, the Primary Artist at the album level should be marked as “Various Artists”. However, each artist must always be independently identified on their respective tracks. For more information please refer to the content style guide.