Due to the User Generated Content nature of the Youtube service and Sepulchral Silence's effort together with the DSP to fight copyright infringements and abusive usage, the distribution to Content ID will be subject to a label approval process from November 18th.
As the Label Approval varies depending on each DSP's requirements, here below we detail how the Label Approval Process works for clients currently distributing under Sepulchral Silence's contract with Youtube. Clients with their own contract have the ability to manage the whole process and approve the labels by themselves with no need for validation from Sepulchral Silence's.
The Content-ID Label Approval process is similar to any other content validation managed by the Sepulchral Silence's Quality Control team, which will check that the label meets the necessary set of requirements to be able to distribute to the channel. These criteria have been defined following YouTube Content ID guidelines.
Once the Admin receives the Label Approval request notification:
1. Go to www.sepulchralsilence.com and login in your account.
2. From your dashboard click on My Account.
3. Under the Tool Bar click on YouTube Content ID Approval Form.
4. Fill in the form.
You can check the result from the "Permissions" tab of the label's profile.
Since submission, it can take up to 5 business days to validate a label request. The review and validation are strictly related with:
Term for Validation
- Consistency and entirety of the information shared via the form: the information has to be complete.
- The user account has been fulfilled and verified and has no fraud issues.
It is highly recommended to fill in the form providing as much detailed information as possible.In case of incomplete or missing information in the form, the 5-days term for review is not guaranteed. Moreover, in the case of information not meeting the minimum requirements (ie. revenue lower than requested), the request will likely be rejected.
These measures are meant to smoothen the pre-distribution validation process to Youtube Content ID by pre-filtering the type and quality of content submitted by labels and users. Our objective is to get a better understanding of the labels and their catalogue and provide useful information that should help your company to ensure the distribution of a healthy catalogue and make way to a successful long-term collaboration with Sepulchral Silence.
Please check on our entry YouTube Content ID Label Approval F.A.Q. for any further queries or contact the Sepulchral Silence's.